DONATE TO SAMOHI SOCCER The Samohi Girls Soccer Program would like to thank you for your donation. Since 2004 we have won 13 League Championships (14 overall) and made many CIF appearances. In addition, several of our players have received D1 athletic scholarships (five players in the last 5 years)! Our rich history and tradition would not be possible with out the dedication and hard work of all the many players, parents, coaches...and support from people like you. Because of your thoughtful contribution, our future is bright. Our goal this year is to raise $15,150 Thank you for being a part of the Samohi Girls Soccer Community.
Here is where your money is going:
Equipment for all 3 levels (practice and game balls, vests, ball bags)
Practice Goals (Coerver and mini) and nets for Goals
3 tournament fees for Frosh, JV and Var
Team Awards/Banquet
2 coaching stipends
Team bonding events (pizza lunches/team dinners) for each team
Coaches' Training, Certification, and Workshops
CIF Playoff Charter Bus Transportation
Video equipment and software
To donate to the Santa Monica Girls soccer program, please go to:
- go to the Samohi website.
Click on: "Athletic Donation” on the left to open up Vikings Webstore
Click on: "Soccer, Girls Program"
Follow the payment steps.
- Check or money order made out to 'Santa Monica High School'. Memo: Girls Soccer
Check/money order donations can be submitted to Nicole Yumori in person or mailed to:
Girls Soccer
Santa Monica High School
601 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405